
Adventure Treks 2012 – Forming a Community from around the World

We couldn’t be more excited about summer 2012. Last week we posted instructor biographies. This week we thought we would share the 44 states and 15 countries where our students and instructors live.  Students consistently say that one of the highlights of Adventure Treks is making great friends with students and instructors from different places.  It’s wonderful being able to share experiences and world views that may be partially shaped by the communities in which we live. It’s important to realize at an early age that people from different places may see things slightly differently than we do. It’s also nice to discover that when we share a common vision for our trip, it’s easy to all work together towards a common goal and together create a community that fosters a culture of kindness, inclusion and respect.

We are about 85% full at Adventure Treks for the summer so this list will continue to grow.  We are still hoping for a student from North Dakota or West Virginia!  Some Adventure Treks trips have been full since December, but we still have room on most introductory trips in the 12 – 14 year old range. We will work hard to a find space on the right trip for each great kid. Please do tell your friends about Adventure Treks. It’s going to be an incredible summer!

It's Going to be an Incredible Summer at Adventure Treks