A Look at Our Global Community
Every year, Adventure Treks welcomes students from all over the United States and even the world. So far in 2015, our student population comes from a whopping 45 states and 15 countries!
We love having so much diversity on all of our trips, and we know the students truly enjoy getting to know others from different cultures and backgrounds. Through the welcoming community and super-fun activities on the trips, the students easily find common ground and quickly make great, long-lasting friendships.
Check out the graphic below to see where our 2015 students come from.
Our map may expand as we add our last few students. North Carolina and California are neck-and-neck in the race for our most-represented state. Next is Florida, followed closely by New York. Rounding out our top states are Illinois, Georgia, Massachusetts, Texas, Maryland, and New Jersey. This year, we’re happy to welcome a Hawaiian student and an Alaskan student!
Regardless of your native country, state, or tongue, we are so excited to see you on opening day!