A Quick Update…

wpdev08 Jul, 2016


From instructor Emily: Time has been flying for us up here in Alaska! After finishing our beautiful yet challenging backpack in the Chugach, we quickly transitioned into ice climbing on the Matanuska glacier for 3 days. We stayed with MICA ice climbing guides, which never fails to be a treat for us as MICA loves spending time with our students and joining in on our evening activities. The first day of climbing we focused mostly on getting familiar with the equipment and terrain, as well as getting everyone up and climbing. On the second day we broke up into groups to do some station style learning about setting up climbs, belaying, and rappelling. On the third and final day of climbing we pushed our limits a bit and tried out some harder climbs, while continuing to develop our technical skills.  On the first two nights at MICA, each backpacking group cooked a “student dinner”, the first group cooking a red curry with chicken and tofu and the second group cooking chicken and eggplant Parmesan. The instructors were impressed to say the least! On the third night the MICA guides grilled out for us while students took time to prepare for the talent show. A few highlights from the talent show include a ballet dance performance and lovely song written by a few students in dedication to their instructor, “mountain man Ian”. The fun does not stop, however, as we prepare to go whitewater rafting tomorrow and then to head back into the backcountry for our second backpack!


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