2021 Enrollment Will Begin August 24

Wow, what a summer! To witness the joy on teenagers’ faces as they reunited with and hugged friends, formed close bonds with new peers, reveled in face-to-face connections, spent two to three weeks in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, and had the most fun they’ve had all year—all in the middle of a pandemic… This year has been the most rewarding and fulfilling summer we have ever had.

And now it’s on to 2021! While no one knows what the next year will bring—and we certainly hope we’ll be able to return to normal and operate our trips out west—we believe Adventure Treks will fill more quickly than ever due to increased demand.

Our enrollment schedule for 2021 will be slightly different from previous years, so please read the following carefully

Multiple 2021 enrollment dates

*Monday, August 24: Priority enrollment opens for students who were originally signed up for 2020 Alaska Expedition and

    • 1) instead attended a Blue Ridge Expedition trip or
    • 2) who transferred tuition forward to 2021.

*Wednesday, August 26: Priority enrollment opens for all other students who attended a 2020 Blue Ridge trip (this includes Discovery, Adventure, and Ultimate) and/or those who transferred tuition or deposits forward to 2021.

*Wednesday, September 2: General enrollment opens for non-returning students and new students (including Camp Pinnacle campers).

Why are there different priority enrollment dates?

As next summer may be the last Adventure Treks year for many of our students who couldn’t attend Alaska this year, we feel that it’s important to give those students who were signed up for Alaska Expedition in 2020 the first opportunity to sign back up for Alaska 2021.

On Wednesday, August 26, any remaining spots we have in Alaska will become available to other priority enrollment students who are age-eligible (those who are now entering the 11th and 12th grades).

However, we want to stress how highly we recommend attending California Challenge or Ultimate Northwest before Alaska—as they are important “stepping stone” or preparation trips for the longer and more strenuous Alaska Expedition.

How will we re-enroll for 2021?

Returning families: Log in to your CampInTouch account starting Monday, August 24, to submit the online student application.

New and Camp Pinnacle families: Click the Enroll Now button to create a new CampInTouch account and submit the online student application. (Camp Pinnacle families: While we use the same database, your CP login won’t work in the AT database, so you’ll need to set up a new password and account through AT.)

Updated 2021 schedule

The tentative schedule for 2021 has been updated online. Because COVID-19 threw everything into a tailspin and students could only attend Blue Ridge trips instead of their planned 2020 adventures, the 2021 schedule should allow students to be able to attend the trips they were originally signed up for in 2020.

We don’t want students to miss out on the locations and activities they were looking forward to this summer, so we highly recommend re-enrolling on the same trip. The new schedule should also allow trip groups to stay together, which we know is very important to returning students.

Tuition credits and discounts for 2021

Early enrollment discounts

Families who enroll for 2021 before September 30, 2020, will receive an early enrollment discount. Below are the details:

  1. Families who could not attend a 2020 Blue Ridge trip and instead pushed their full tuition payment forward to 2021 will receive 2020 pricing (an immediate $200 discount), plus any other early enrollment discounts they received in 2020.
  2. Families who attended a 2020 Blue Ridge trip will receive a $100 early enrollment discount if they sign up by September 30.
  3. Families who could not attend a 2020 Blue Ridge trip and instead pushed their partial tuition payment or deposit payment forward to 2021 will receive a $100 early enrollment discount if they sign up by September 30.
  4. Families who could not attend a 2020 Blue Ridge trip, Camp Pinnacle families, and new families will receive a $100 early enrollment discount if they sign up by September 30.
Tuition credits

For families who have transferred full or partial payments forward, please note that the application will still ask how you’d like to pay the deposit; if you have a credit for 2021, please disregard this (it’s not a function we can turn off, and we process payments manually anyway). All credits will automatically transfer to 2021 and be adjusted after we process new applications.

 We know this might be confusing, and we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate these challenging times. Our goal, as always, is to create the best summer experiences possible for our students and provide incredible customer service.

We will be closing down the last of our summer trips this week and may not be able to answer all calls in a timely manner. We also anticipate very high call volume, so if you don’t reach us by phone at 888-954-5555, please leave a message or email us.