
21st Century Skills

The partnership for 21st Century Skills has identified the skills necessary for success in our ever-changing global economy and connected world.   While a strong academic framework is always important, the identified 21st century skills are:

  • collaboration
  • creativity
  • communication
  • and critical thinking

These are balanced with life skills, which include:

  • adapting to change
  • dealing with ambiguity
  • flexibility
  • independence
  • resilience
  • and organization

Frankly, we think students can learn 21st century skills better at Adventure Treks than in most school environments.  While Adventure Treks is a lot of fun, our program is highly educational, as evidenced by the success of our graduates and their testament to the impact Adventure Treks has had on their life.  In the video below, some of our 2010 Leadership Summit students were able to articulate the benefits they received through multiple summers at Adventure Treks:


We are excited to help our new and returning students in 2011 improve their skills for success in the 21st century.