
A Big Announcement! Adventure Treks is now operating Camp Pinnacle!

Today, Tuesday Sept 6th is a huge day in our 18 year Adventure Treks history! Today we begin a long term lease of Camp Pinnacle. This is an 84 year old summer camp with a rich history located on a 126 acre wooded campus just a mile from our office. It has a beautiful 20 acre private lake and can comfortably host 200 people in over 30 separate cabins and buildings. The camp closed down after summer 2009 and has operated as an events facility for the past two years.

Our intent is to use this great facility to expand our Adventure Treks programming to younger ages. We are excited to reopen Camp Pinnacle under our direction for summer 2012. We will combine the best from our wealth of outdoor adventure and education experience with years of Camp Pinnacle tradition to create a unique and incredible summer camp experience for students ages 8 – 14.

Camp Pinnacle will also give Adventure Treks a much larger base camp for our Southeast programs, and our science based school programs known as the Southern Appalachian Science Center. Camp also creates opportunities for our star Adventure Treks students to begin their outdoor education careers earlier by allowing them to give back to our Camp Pinnacle campers as soon as they have completed a year of college. We are also excited to give Camp Pinnacle alumni a camp they can once again call their own and maintain this beautiful piece of property as a place to educate children rather than as a site for a lakefront housing development.

In true Adventure Treks style, we take official possession of the property this morning and around 11AM, 68 students from the Walker school of Marietta, GA will arrive for four days of outdoor education programming. No time to celebrate, It’s time to get to work!

Please spread the word about Camp Pinnacle. We will need your help. We are going to grow Camp Pinnacle slowly to make sure it’s quality is as unique as Adventure Treks’. For summer 2012, we will offer just two, two-week sessions. The new website CampPinnacle.com will be up in a few weeks.

Huge thanks to the well over 100 students who have already signed up for Adventure Treks summer 2012! You are going to love your new fleece and we are already working hard to make next summer even better than last. Many instructors have already committed to next year. Only 295 days until summer 2012! There is a lot going on in the AT world and we are very excited you are part of it!