Adventure Treks begins the Fall Season!
After a demanding but wonderful summer, many people expect that we get a long period of relaxation and personal outdoor time before we begin the challenges of preparing for next summer. While that might make the most sense it couldn’t be further from the truth.
On Tuesday, we opened our 9 week long fall season where we provide outdoor education, community building and science based programs for students from 14 different schools. We had only 8 days to travel across the country, catch up on sleep, download the summer and prep for our new season! Our schools will come from as far away as Florida, Tennessee and Ohio for these 4-5 day programs in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina. In just four days, students will rock climb, backpack, hike above 6,000 feet, whitewater raft, play many teambuilding games and learn some of the science behind the natural world in which they will be immersed. Some programs are based out of a summer camp but most students will sleep in tents in Pisgah National Forest.
As a teacher who has worked with us over the past 15 years recently remarked, “I love your summer programs, they are incredible but you generally are already working with students who love to be outside! When you work with schools you reach many kids who, without you, would never get to experience the magic of the outdoors. It’s with these students that you do your most important work!”
Both programs are important and rewarding. It’s great fun sharing Western Carolina with 17 of our summer instructors who have traveled from the West Coast and over 850 students and teachers. Our instructors are currently in the woods with 88 tenth graders from the University School of Nashville, TN. tomorrow they go rafting.
As you return to school and leave the magic of your Adventure Treks summer behind, Think of us here in NC. We are still living outdoors with smiles on our faces. Do know that most every evening through Halloween there will be a plus delta still going on as over 800 students get to experience the magic of AT.
We wish you much success with your new school year. Enjoy the Labor Day weekend. Our thoughts go out to our students in NY, NJ and VT who have weathered Hurricane Irene.
Please stay in touch with us and your many AT friends.