Entries by Amanda Fox

A Look at Our 2019 Global Community

This year, Adventure Treks has the pleasure of welcoming students from 44 states and 16 countries! Each of our trips represents 10–16 different states and 3–4 countries. One reason our parents choose Adventure Treks is because of our global footprint; our students enjoy getting to know peers from different cultures and backgrounds. With the welcoming […]

Introducing our 2019 Instructor Teams!

We are so excited to introduce the 2019 instructor teams! Each spring, our directors spend hours poring over returning and new instructors’ resumes to create the most balanced teams possible, carefully considering everyone’s experience, skills, personalities, and backgrounds. Each trip will have both new and returning instructors, always led by a returning trip leader who […]

Introducing our 2019 trip leaders!

We are so excited to announce our leadership team for summer 2019! On June 3, our directors, regional directors, and trip leaders will gather for a five-day retreat near Mt. Hood in Oregon. Here, we’ll start bonding as a leadership team; pore over trip itineraries; share our collective expertise as review safety, policies, and procedures; […]

Congratulations to the Class of 2019!

We want to be among the first to say a huge congratulations to our graduating class of 2019, soon to be the class of 2023! You all have worked extremely hard and are excited (and probably a bit nervous) about the opportunities ahead. We know how challenging it can be to navigate the seemingly unending […]

Give Your Kids Some Credit

The other day, I had a conversation with a father who wasn’t sure if his son could succeed at Adventure Treks. “He likes the comfort of home too much.” “It sounds too hard for him.” This young man had loved his sleepaway summer camp, but his dad was worried whether he’d survive three weeks in […]

Meet Our Newest Regional Director: Abby Sophir

We’d love for everyone to meet one of our three regional directors this summer: Abby Sophir! Abby, an Adventure-Treks-student-turned-instructor, will be joining our senior staff team, helping manage our trips and instructors this summer, and getting to know hundreds of students! Abby has five seasons of Adventure Treks trips under her belt, and we’d love […]

Adventure Treks: A Leader in Teen Adventure Camps

Type “teen adventure camp” into Google, and several reputable summer programs with great intentions, a safety focus, sound philosophy, and strong leadership will appear. However, there are significant differences between these programs, including with ours: We’ve designed Adventure Treks to be the most consistent and highly rated teen program that delivers genuine, long-lasting growth outcomes, […]

The Adventure Treks Take on the College Cheating Scandal

Insidious intentions of the college admissions process Like most of our fellow Adventure Treks families, we are following the college entrance exam cheating scheme with great interest and disappointment. We’ve always known that people had gained advantage in the admissions system by finding ways to get extra time on standardized tests. It’s common knowledge that […]

The Benefits of Teen Outdoor Adventure Camps

If you’re reading this, you may have already researched the extensive benefits of teen adventure camps. As more and more studies show that today’s teenagers are experiencing higher than ever levels of pressure, depression, and anxiety, parents continually seek out programs that boost confidence, increase independence and leadership skills, and offer inclusive communities so that […]

The Most Common Misconceptions about Adventure Treks

To a student who’s never experienced outdoor adventure (or even gone camping), Adventure Treks’ teen summer outdoor adventure camps can seem like a daunting experience: We sleep in tents; we rock climb, hike, climb mountains, whitewater raft, mountain bike, and more; and we join a brand-new community of people, mostly (if not entirely) comprised of people […]