Entries by Amanda Fox


Adventure Treks in the Age of Acceleration

Thank You for Being Late by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is the most powerful book I have read this year, and it does an outstanding job of explaining the current state of the world and the “accelerators” driving the insane pace of change. Friedman’s accelerators include Moore’s Law, Big Data, the markets, population growth, […]


Cold Feet about the Summer is Normal

The holidays and first round of exams are in the rear view mirror. Because the days are shorter and school dynamics help everyone get more into the academic groove, our teens are spending less time playing outside. They begin to relax into a slumber of sorts regarding the outdoors world that they so enjoy in the summer. For some, the […]


Being a Beginner is Great! Here’s Why.

Getting acquainted with outdoor activities can be both challenging and intimidating. There are a lot of factors to consider, especially if you are new to the outdoors. But it doesn’t have to be scary! Our first recommendation: Do not make being a beginner one of those factors. We’re all beginners at some point. But when […]

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Yellowstone National Park

Fun facts about Yellowstone National Park We are so excited to be heading back to Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks this year! As we gear up for this adventure, we thought we’d share a few interesting facts we’ve learned about the area. 1. Yellowstone National Park, in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, was the world’s […]


How to be a Weekend Warrior

Whether you’re an outdoorsperson or not, hopefully by now you’ve seen the positive impacts outdoor adventure can have on your teenager. More and more research has shown us how important it is for all of us to have that exposure to the natural world. While the summer offers an easy way for teenagers to get […]


Why Allowing Your Children to Fail is a Good Thing

As a mother, I spend countless hours trying to think of ways I can help my children lives’ feel fulfilled. That can include anything from making special dinners and planning trips to washing and folding clothes and nudging them to complete homework and tasks. As they get older and many of my responsibilities (like chores) […]


Video: Thank you for a great 2016 season!

2016 was one of our favorite summers because we shared it with incredible students and instructors who made the commitment to make it GREAT! We would like to give a special thank you to parents for your trust and for sharing your amazing kids. We hope this video captures some of the fun, adventure, scenery, […]


Mid-Summer Video Update

We miss our students from our early trips who have already returned home, but we are thrilled and excited to meet the new students who are arriving this week. We wanted to share the fun we have been having at Adventure Treks so we made a short video with footage from some of our already […]


Welcome Adventure Treks Students!

It’s been an exciting week greeting new and returning students in California, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, North Carolina, and soon Alaska! Our regional directors Josh, Dmac, and Erica have been flying back and forth, with one of us joining each instructor team in welcoming every trip. By Tuesday, June 28, we will have 186 students and […]