Entries by Amanda Fox


Tips to Make Hiking Fun for Kids

As the parent of four children, I witness an improvement in family dynamics whenever we are able to spend time outside together as a family.  Whether it’s just playing games or better still going on a family hike or bike ride, we just seem to get along better outside.   Conversations come more easily and we […]


Happy Halloween

I’m going to use pumpkin carving as a metaphor for how ridiculously high the bar is being set in our global and digitized world.  In my youth, my parents would present me my annual pumpkin a few days before Halloween.  I would take my knife, hack out a couple triangles for eyes and a nose, […]


2012 Adventure Treks Memories Video

Thanks to photographic evidence pulled from instructor cameras, we have confirmed a few different things about The Adventure Treks 2012 summer: there was lots of singing, we played hard on everything from mountain bikes to whitewater rafts, danced more than we sang, made lots of new friends, and had a lot of fun. Hope you […]


Fall Update from Adventure Treks

Happy fall! Although your summer trip ended a while ago – and I’m sure you probably feel you have been back in school for forever, here at Adventure Treks, we haven’t even begun to slow down. it still feels like summer! We only had five days between ending our summer season and beginning our fall […]