Entries by Amanda Fox


Adventure Treks Instructor Orientation Begins Today!

Adventure Treks Instructor orientation begins today.  We’ve been waiting a long time!  As I write this, 63 Adventure Treks instructors are converging from across the country and around the world to our base camp in southern Washington State to begin 7 days of instructor orientation.  This will be followed by another 5-8 days of orientation […]


The Teenage Brain

“Teenagers develop an accelerator before they learn to brake or steer,” says UC Berkeley Developmental Psychologist Ronald Dahl.  Humans are unique in that they have the longest and most protected childhood of any primate.  How we spend that childhood has been changing. No generation has been more protected nor done fewer “practical” things than this […]


What We are Reading: 2012 Edition

Memorial Day weekend conjures up vision of a beach, a lounge chair and  a slew of summer reading opportunities. As the Executive Director of Adventure Treks, one of my many jobs is to stay in touch with trends affecting teenagers, the environment, education and the outdoor industry. Though none of these books would qualify as […]


Adventure Treks as an Antidote

For the past 19 years, I have enthusiastically endorsed Adventure Treks as a great growth experience for teenagers.   Every year I become more passionate about the benefits. At times, I wondered if I might be overstating our case. I am now convinced that I have been understating both the power and the importance of the […]