Entries by Amanda Fox


Happy Easter / Passover / Spring:

Excitement for Adventure Treks summer 2012 is building and we are so very excited to meet our new students and see our many returning students and instructors. June can’t get here soon enough! New instructor hiring is almost complete. Again this year, over 70% of last summer’s instructors will be returning. We are incredibly excited […]


On the Value of Community

The Dockendorf family minivan pulled into McDonald’s for breakfast. When traveling with our four kids, we’ve learned to start early and make stops efficient. A rare visit to McDonald’s created instant enthusiasm for kids being raised by slow food parents. Inside, Neil Diamond played on the Muzak system and Sirius announced that we were listening […]


Nature and Electronics

A prevailing theme in American life today is that the more digitally connected we are, the better off we are “supposed” to be. We all generally accept the rush to new and better digital technology and the pace of change is so fast, there is no framework to judge if ultimately our digital world is […]


On Teens and Quiet

This recent Sunday NY Times editorial, The Joy of Quiet by Pico Iyer struck a note. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/01/opinion/sunday/the-joy-of-quiet.html?pagewanted=1&_r=3&smid=fb-share The basic premise of the article is that the internet age arrived without an instruction manual. Despite the many benefits of technology, people are going to great effort and expense now to turn it off for a while. […]


Happy Holidays from Adventure Treks!

The Winter Solstice seems like a great day to extend holiday greetings to you, our wonderful extended Adventure Treks family. Whatever special holiday your family celebrates this time of year, we hope it is a wonderful time to enjoy your friends and family and revel in the meaning and magic of the holiday season. Enjoy […]


Adventure Treks on College and Reunions

It’s been a big week for early enrollment decisions for some of our Adventure Treks Alaska and Leadership Summit students. Huge Congratulations to Anna Gabianelli and Ali Hamlin for getting in to Dartmouth, Michael Moorin for getting in to Princeton, Ariana Lutterman for Yale and Josh Silver for Brown. We can’t wait to hear where […]


Recent Research on Adventure Treks Benefits

Most students report that Adventure Treks was the best summer experience of their lives and the friendships made at Adventure Treks last for a long time. But in addition to creating a great wilderness adventure experience, our focus has always been making Adventure Treks a growth – oriented experience. We are excited to report the […]