Entries by Amanda Fox


Thank you for a Great 2011 Season

Thank you to all. Our 2011 Adventure Treks season ended on Monday and we can now officially say thank you for a great year! It feels like it’s been our best year in a long time. I know it seems like forever since you left your friends and your instructors, but we haven’t stopped. This […]



We remain in full swing at Adventure Treks. Our twelfth school program of the fall is in the woods. We have two more programs next week. It’s been non-stop since May and I will admit, all of us are excited for November and the chance to take some personal time, but we still have work […]


Adventure Treks begins the Fall Season!

After a demanding but wonderful summer, many people expect that we get a long period of relaxation and personal outdoor time before we begin the challenges of preparing for next summer. While that might make the most sense it couldn’t be further from the truth. On Tuesday, we opened our 9 week long fall season […]


We aren’t ready for summer to end!

And then it was over… One minute I was talking with several students at their airport gate, the next minute they were gone – bound on a jet to their families, returning to their familiar world, but returning just a little bit changed. Spending time in wilderness does that to you. So does spending time […]


On Bears and Alaska!

I am certain you have seen the media coverage on the bear attack on a National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) Group of teenagers up in the wilds of Alaska. I know it made parents of any student still in the outdoors with us a bit nervous. The good news is that everyone will fully recover. […]


Thoughts from 30,000 feet

Greetings from another Delta Jet! I have loved meeting hundreds of students from 11 different trips since I last wrote. I may recount some of these adventures later. I remain incredibly impressed with our Adventure Treks students and instructors this summer. We are having a lot of fun! Who knows summer may have finally come […]


Greetings from 30,000 ft.

There is never a typical day at Adventure Treks! I write this from 30,000 ft on a Delta Jet, eventually heading to Sacramento to greet the incoming California Challenge 2 students who begin their Adventure Treks experience tomorrow. Then it’s a night flight to Alaska to welcome our Alaska 2 students. Today we have 238 […]


Greetings from 30,000 ft. Happy Fourth of July!

Greetings from 30,000 ft. Another red eye… This one from Portland heading home to NC to see my own kids, go rafting with the Blue Ridge Experience students and check in with our office. It’s been an exciting two weeks on the road meeting our incredible Adventure Treks students and helping our instructors open trips […]