A.T. and College – Where our 2014 Grads Will Attend
Congratulations to our many high school seniors who will soon be graduating and heading off for college or a gap year. Below is a list of the schools they will be attending. We know that steering through the college “sorting hat” has been difficult and we want to applaud you for all the hard work you have put into your successful high school careers. We hope you have chosen a school that is a good fit for your personality, abilities and interests. We believe college placement is all about the right match; it’s a shame that sometimes it gets turned into a giant contest.
We hope you will continue to pursue outdoor activities in college and join your school’s outdoor club. Time spent engaged in outdoor activities, besides being fun, active and great way to meet folks, is a wonderful way to stay grounded and gain perspective as you navigate the exciting whirlwinds ahead.
As you can see from the list below, Adventure Treks kids get accepted to amazing schools. This is because we begin with phenomenal kids. It takes a special person to choose an Adventure Treks summer and colleges understand that the communication skills, resilience, collaboration and contribution ethic fostered through an Adventure Treks experience correlates well with success at college. At a time when only 59% of entering full-time college freshman at four year colleges actually graduate from college within six years, we hope that the character, grit and resilience enhanced through the Adventure Treks experience, will help you thrive in college, and get out in FOUR!
Having talked to dozens of our AT graduates currently in college, we hear that their Adventure Treks experience, helped then feel well prepared:
“A.T. did a phenomenal job preparing me for the transition to college. I had the ability to adapt to new and changing situations. I knew how to meet people and how to work with different kinds of people. I have seen many of my friends struggle with the transition, but it’s been easy for me.”
—Christopher, University of Richmond
“A.T. made me more comfortable in my skin; so when I got to college I didn’t have to try and be anybody but myself – It was refreshing and empowering.”
—Max, Stanford University
“At Adventure Treks you learn how to help out and look out for others, how to thrive when things aren’t easy and how to see a bigger picture beyond yourself. A.T. gave me the confidence to lead a school organization my freshman year and it means I am always the one doing more than my share in project groups.”
—Jake, University of Nevada, Reno
“A.T. built my confidence and helped me become more outgoing. I learned that people liked me for who I am. I learned how to be a strong member of a community and how to thrive without electronics. When I got to college, I didn’t try to be anybody other than myself and didn’t get sucked into the endless video games and partying that dragged down many of my male peers.”
—Sam, Iowa State University
And here is The 2014 Adventure Treks College List:
Noah Maggin – University of Richmond
Ruby Aresty – Wake Forest University
Teddy Levine – Bates College
Harry Templeton – Bowdoin College
Paul Ryan – Cornell University
James Purcell – Cornell University
Alec Redler – Elon University
David Cocoziello – Elon University
Eryn Lorberbaum – Muhlenberg College
Liam Arnade – Colwill – Yale University
Eric Kay – University of Vermont
Riley Erickson – University of Georgia Jack Cahill – Notre Dame University
Quinn Todzo – University of Illinois, Champaign / Urbana
Tyree Cowell – University of Michigan – Honors
Tylo Ward – University of Nevada – Reno – Honors
Ben Douglas – Kenyon College
Kim Davidson – Kenyon College
Andrew Plotch – Middlebury College
Nick Dillard – Georgia Technical College
Patrick Mahoney – Sacred Heart University
Adam Tigar – Carleton College
Miles Kelly – Gap year in Europe than University Colorado – Boulder
McKenzie Spooner – Whitman College
Merrit Geary – University of Montana – Honors
Nick Small – University of Alabama – Tuscaloosa
Zach Schaja – Emory University
Kyle Heiner – University of Oregon – Honors
Haley Weiss– University of Pennsylvania
Ben Zervitz – Ithaca College
Abigail Daniel – US Military Academy – West Point
Max Klein – University of Florida
Annie Pharr – Appalachian State University – Honors
Aidan Long – Warren Wilson College
Andrew Jacober – UNC – Chapel Hill
Michael Lipsitz – SUNY- Binghamton
Sean Moore – University of Texas, Austin- Honors
Isabella Bingen – University of Seattle
Tory Farrelly – Berry College
Hannah Gallogly – Wesleyan University
Ches Goodall – Tulane University
Jack Sollee – Haverford College
Emily Anderson – Case Western University
Ella Imes – Lewis and Clark College
Again, Huge Congratulations and very best wishes from all of us at Adventure Treks. We look forward to working with many of you at our Camp Pinnacle summer camp after your freshman year!