More than any other word (except for fun), “connection” sums up what the Adventure Treks experience is all about.  Soon you will be forging a connection with the natural world, connecting with a new group of friends from across the country and forming strong relationships with your instructors.  Through immersion in the Adventure Treks community, you will soon connect with others in completely different ways than you do at home.  Perhaps the most powerful connection, however, is the one you will make with yourself – and the realization that you are capable of more than you believed possible.  At Adventure Treks you will also get glimpses of your very best self.

We begin by disconnecting each summer…turning off our cell phone and signing off facebook and email.  By definition, an adventure can only begin when we leave behind the comfortable and the familiar.  We all know the quote “A ship is safe in harbor…but that is not what ships are built for.”  It’s time for you to prepare for your ship to sail.

In the natural world we learn how little we need to be truly happy.  A cold drink from a fresh mountain stream (treated, of course), a simple dinner in the middle of spectacular scenery, challenging activities, great friends, lots of laughs and the true joy in being part of something larger than yourself.

Summer is coming soon and we can’t wait for the adventure treks activities and communities to begin.  See you soon!

John Dockendorf






by John Dockendorf,
Founding Director of Adventure Treks