
Our Global Adventure Treks Community

One of the joys of an Adventure Treks summer is becoming close friends with people from beyond your school and hometown.   This year, we will welcome students and instructors from 43 different states and 14 countries.  It’s great to discover the differences that culture and geography can have on our perception of things as well as the similarities we all share as part of our human experience. When we share a unified vision for the success of our Adventure Treks trip, it’s easy for a diverse group to come together and work towards a common goal. Together we can create a community that fosters a culture of kindness, inclusion and respect.

This year our twenty – one trip communities will include approximately 40 students who live overseas.  This is about 8% of our student body.  Several of our international students are Expats; American families who live and work overseas. And many are internationals, coming to the states to experience our incredible mountain scenery and become immersed in our wonderful AT culture.   We have 7 students from France, 6 from China, 5 from Italy and 4 each from Canada and the Dominican Republic. We are amazed how many of our international students come back for multiple summers and consider AT their second home!

2014_Global Community

Our map may expand a little as we add our last few students. This year, for the first time, New York has edged out California as our most represented state.  North Carolina is 3rd followed by Florida, Massachusetts, Illinois, New Jersey, Georgia, Maryland, Texas and Oregon.  We are still desperately hoping to welcome a student from North Dakota – over the last 20 years, North Dakota is the only state from which we have never had a student!

Remember to get in your best possible shape and break in those new boots! The first Plus-Delta of the summer will be at trip leader retreat near Mt. Hood, OR on June 4.

Whether you are from Addis Ababa, Paris, New York City or San Diego, we can’t wait to see you on your opening day and welcome you to Adventure Treks. Good luck with your final exams. See you soon!