Introducing Kilee Davis as our Admissions Manager!

We are very excited to welcome Kilee Davis as our new admissions manager!

Originally from California, Kilee’s love for the outdoors began with Big Sur family camping trips and soccer tournaments. She jumped into the outdoor and youth development career at Camp High Rocks and Camp Rockbrook in western North Carolina, where she quickly realized that she had a deep passion for student growth and exploration. During her time at San Francisco State University, she led backpacking and kayaking trips while completing her bachelor’s degree in geography.

After graduation, she transitioned to a seasonal rotation of facilitating educational programs in the spring and fall, and working in Peru and Costa Rica with Global Leadership Adventures in the summer where she spearheaded environmental education programs. Kilee is a wilderness first responder and in her free time enjoys traveling, hiking, cooking, writing poetry, and learning languages! Fun Fact: Kilee lived in Spain for 2.5 years!

“I am thrilled to be joining the Adventure Treks family as the admissions manager,” said Kilee. “Having worked seasonally for as long as I can remember, I am ready to plant my roots in North Carolina, with Adventure Treks, and with you all. I couldn’t be more delighted to get to know the students, families, and staff that make up the heart and soul of this giant family. I look forward to being a comforting and supportive voice they hear on the other side of the phone, to show up at orientation as the “cool aunt” you can’t wait to see at the family holiday party, and to support and foster relationships that will lead to profound and memorable Adventure Treks experiences.

“In a lot of ways, this position feels like a homecoming for me: returning to a place that holds so much meaning for me, to a position that is a culmination of my prior experiences, and finding a community that has a kindred passion for personal growth and connection. I was so impressed by the diversity of talents represented in the Adventure Treks staff and student community and am so excited to walk alongside of you all on the mountains and in the valleys as we prepare for a year full of stoke and adventure!”