On Giving Tuesday, Empower the Next Generation of Leaders
As we celebrate the spirit of generosity on Giving Tuesday, we’re reminded of the incredible impact that kindness and community can have on young people. At Adventure Treks, we are privileged to see this firsthand through our partner nonprofit organization, the Charlie Wellman Memorial Fund (CWMF). For nearly two decades, the scholarship has transformed hundreds of students’ lives through community-focused outdoor adventure.
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Who is Charlie Wellman?
The Charlie Wellman Memorial Fund honors the memory of Charlie Wellman, a beloved Adventure Treks student who embodied the values of kindness, community, and leadership. One of Charlie’s trip leaders, Liz, once described him as “a goofball, a loyal friend, and an awesome community leader.” Tragically, Charlie’s life was cut short in a car accident in April 2005. Yet his love for Adventure Treks and his spirit of adventure lives on through the scholarships awarded in his name.
The impact of the fund
The CWMF provides need-based scholarships to students who dream of embarking on an Adventure Treks journey. By providing financial assistance, this fund has enabled students to be a part of transformative outdoor adventures that foster self-confidence, leadership skills, and a deeper appreciation for the natural world.
But the impact goes far beyond the trail. Students gain an incredible community and lifelong friends who inspire and support them long after the trip ends. Adventure Treks also creates space for students to simply have fun and be kids- laughing around campfires, dressing up in flair for hikes, and embracing the joy of exploration.
Thanks to this fund’s profound impact, students have summited Mt. Shasta, navigated whitewater outside of Yellowstone, experienced the culture of Peru, and formed lifelong connections while camping under the stars in Goat Rocks Wilderness—and much, much more.
Students’ stories
A.K.’s story reflects the transformative power of stepping outside her comfort zone. Nervous about flying across the country to spend a month with strangers, she was overwhelmed by AT’s welcoming environment. “As soon as I arrived, I was overcome with the sense of community,” she recalled. During her time with AT, A.K. developed confidence, resilience, and a fresh perspective on life. She explained, “I realized I had been viewing life as something to get through to reach the good parts. AT helped me see that every moment is worth appreciating—even the ones that seem mundane.” Her journey didn’t end when she left the program: She now uses the lessons and skills she learned at AT in her everyday life and hopes to one day inspire others the same way.
For P.K., Adventure Treks is a place of reflection and personal growth. Her time in the outdoors has taught her to embrace the unexpected, from laughing through rainy days to reflecting around campfires, Paikea’s outdoor adventures taught her resilience and gratitude. “The canyons taught me to be eager for the unknown; the valleys taught me gratitude; the rain taught me resilience,” she shared. Through these lessons, P.K., has developed a deep sense of gratitude and joy that she carries into every new adventure, whether in the backcountry or in her daily life.
L.L. found a great community through his Adventure Treks experiences. “I look back on my Adventure Treks trip as the best and happiest part of my life. I was able to push myself to my limits and realized I was far more capable than I thought. The people on these trips are wonderful, and the community is just as fantastic as the places we visit. I could only experience these fantastic things Adventure Treks has to offer because of the Charlie Wellman Memorial Fund. This scholarship fund is incredible!”
A.R. shares how Adventure Treks has helped push the boundaries of her comfort zone while creating connections with people from far outside her home community. “Adventure Treks holds a special place in my heart, and I believe it has played a part in shaping me into the person I am today: Helping me find new interests, connect more with nature, and create lifelong memories. Continually, it has helped me become confident and step up in group settings as a leader. It has also taught me to value self-reliance and independence… to always stick up for myself and my opinions. I have made long-lasting friendships with people from all over the world. I would do anything to have this experience again!”
Legacy of empowerment, support, and adventure
Your donations to the Charlie Wellman Memorial Fund make it possible for our students to experience the beauty of the outdoors, build resilience and confidence, and develop leadership skills. Every contribution, no matter the size, directly impacts a student’s ability to attend Adventure Treks and create memories that last a lifetime.
This Giving Tuesday, we invite you to join us in making a difference.
[button url=”https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=6C4EWEAQR2SJS” target=”_self”] Donate to the Charlie Wellman Memorial Fund via PayPal [/button]
Thank you!
To all of you who have supported the CWMF in the past—thank you! Your generosity has created ripples of change that extend far beyond an Adventure Treks trip.