I really didn’t think I could make it up Mt. Shasta the 2nd time I tried. On California Challenge 08′ I struggled and struggled… but I was turned around at 12,500ft because of altitude sickness. I knew it would not be my last time on the mountain after I was defeated the first time, and I was right. Two years later, I found myself at the base of Mt. Shasta again on the Peak Leadership 10′ trip. This time, I knew it would be war.
Every step I took starting at the 2am departure time was a struggle. We were hiking with crampons and ice axes, and just trying hard not to fall off the face of the steep slope, let alone advance another inch. There were many times I wanted to give up…. turn around to my warm comfortable tent and my sleeping bag and just forget it.
My friends wouldn’t let me quit. They knew that this climb meant so much to me… and no matter how tired I was they supported me, and I supported them back. We all walked together checking on each other constantly… we made sure we were safe doing switchbacks, and while attached to ropes we supported each other when someone slipped. Read more