

Though currently residing in Veneta, OR, Elena is originally from Madison, WI. Recently, she worked for Sustrans fundraising in the United Kingdom while completing a master’s degree at the University of Bristol. She’s completed a three-month semester course in Costa Rica with Outward Bound and a three-month expedition with NOLS in Lander, WY. Prior to her Outward Bound program, Elena was a communications specialist and AmeriCorps VISTA member with Ice Age Trail Alliance in Wisconsin, where she created resources for the public on recreating sustainably on local trails. She also worked as an AmeriCorps member in Vermont where she coordinated tree-planting events among other projects. She’s also served as a naturalist intern who ran educational programs for elementary students in Wisconsin; trail apprentice with the Partnership for the National Trails System in DC; WWOOF volunteer on a sheep farm in New Zealand, and student ambassador for the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies in Wisconsin.