
Trip leader

A Chicago resident, Hailey completed the full Pacific Crest Trail last summer. In fact, she took a break from the trail to lead a trip with Adventure Treks, then hopped back on afterward! Before that, she traveled all over the US and worked as an English teacher in Guatemala and Spain. Previously, in Wisconsin, she was the “leaders in training” director for a YMCA camp that she attended as a camper herself; she also led week-long backpacking trips on nearby trail systems. Hailey has worked as the wilderness director for the same camp and taught skills like shelter-building, fire-making, Leave No Trace principles, and more to kids and teens. She’s also been a gardener educator outside of Chicago, teaching groups how to build edible gardens, and on an organic farm in Mexico. She completed internships for both the Colorado Alliance of Environmental Education and Ocean Plastics Leadership Network.