Canoeing Clearwater Lake

wpdev08 Jul, 2016

A quick update from instructor Katie: We met our guide on the morning of the first day of our canoe trip. We drove to an incredibly powerful waterfall that was 3 times the height of Niagara falls but not as wide.We made camp and a beautiful campsite right on the lake, made dinner and went to bed. The next day we went on a steep, quick hike up to a beautiful view point and saw a substantial amount of the lake valley which was stunning. We then struck camp and paddled to a better campsite with more beach front property. At our campsite we played many games, ate dinner, made smores and slept on the beach under the cloudless sky. The next day we did a lot of paddling around the lake for a day trip and finished the day with a group circle in our canoes drinking in the natural beauty of the valley. We also were able to directly drink from the lake which was a first time experience for most of us. On the last day we paddled against a strong wind to our put-in dock which was a struggle, but very rewarding. The other canoe group had a very similar itineraries, the only difference being that they canoed to a small snow melt fed water fall instead of hiking. Overall, both groups really enjoyed the epic views, being able to drink the pure water, the clarity of the lake and the experience of hanging out friends in the wilderness.


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