Included in tuition:
  • All meals
  • Tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, backpack, and all group gear
  • Guided activities
Not included in tuition:
  • Airfare to and from Denver, CO (DEN)
  • Travel protection (more info here)
  • Personal clothing and items (packing lists available for enrolled families)
Travel information
  • Arrive in DEN on opening day between 9 am and 12:30 pm
  • Depart from DEN on closing day between 6 am and 11 am
  • Find more travel information here

Most of our nights are spent at "frontcountry" campsites, where we'll generally have a more developed campsite with running water, toilets, and sometimes cell phone service. This may be a public or private campground. We often stay at the same frontcountry site a few days in a row.

The other few nights will be spent "backcountry" camping, referring to wilderness locations where we are most likely out of cell phone service and away from our vehicles, electricity, and other amenities. Multi-day activities like backpacking take place in the backcountry.

Challenge/fitness level

No experience necessary; all skill levels welcome! We'll teach students everything they need to know to be successful and have tons of fun.

Fitness and physical challenge are subjective, so Adventure Treks does not "rate" its trips based on challenge. However, because we’ll be highly engaged in backcountry activities throughout trip, our students have the responsibility to be physically fit. We know physical fitness looks different for everyone, but it’s important to come prepared so that you and your fellow students can succeed. One student not coming prepared with physical fitness will negatively impact the entire group. In the months leading up to their trip, students should develop a routine that emphasizes stamina and sustaining a moderate level of exertion for many hours, several days in a row. Running, swimming, bicycling, aerobics classes, and team sports are all beneficial and will help improve cardiovascular fitness in preparation for a student’s trip.

Maryah Nijim, Vienna, VA

July 2024

If your child loves the outdoors, is not afraid of a good adventure. and you don’t have the ability to take two weeks to go into the bush but would love to… send your kid on this program and keep that fire stoked!!! I like your approach, well-rounded groups, and focus on character development. My son loved all of it.

Katie Porwick, Normal, IL

July 2024

As a parent, I really believe it is my job to show my child that he can do hard things. Of course, included in this theory is that we have to expose him to hard things. Challenges he wouldn’t get at home, with new people and in new places. Showing him that some of life’s greatest experiences can be uncomfortable. So when the time comes that he has a hard obstacle, he can look back at the experiences we have provided him and see that he has in within himself to do hard things. Being dependent on the instructors alone was valuable. They had to improvise and pivot and change plans when the weather and conditions changed. This helped show Oliver that dealing with the unexpected can be fun. It doesn’t have to be scary. Oliver is showing more confidence.

Daisley Kramer, San Anselmo, CA

July 2024

AT is an extremely thoughtful, well-run, organized outdoor program for kids that uses wilderness skills to focus on personal growth, group skills, and life lessons. Lucy came away with a greater love and respect for the outdoors, a belief in her own strength as a friend, and a sense of community that she will carry with her

Marna Schacknies, Houston, TX

July 2024

AT is an enrichment camp without being an enrichment camp. My teen refused all other camps but was on board with an “adventure camp.” Unbeknownst to him and due the way AT is structured, he was enriched. He learned resilience, team work, collaboration, and perseverance. AT was exactly what my kid needed: outdoor experiences and physical challenges

Maryah Nijim, Vienna, VA

July 2024

If your child loves the outdoors, is not afraid of a good adventure. and you don’t have the ability to take two weeks to go into the bush but would love to… send your kid on this program and keep that fire stoked!!! I like your approach, well-rounded groups, and focus on character development. My son loved all of it.

NEW! Now offering adult trips to Peru and family camps in the Pacific Northwest. Click here to view our new trips!
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