Included in tuition:
  • All meals
  • Tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, backpack, and all group gear
  • Guided activities
Not included in tuition:
  • Airfare to and from Jackson, WY (JAC)
  • Travel protection (more info here)
  • Personal clothing and items (packing lists available for enrolled families)
Travel information
  • Arrive in JAC on opening day between 9 am and 2 pm
  • Depart from JAC on closing day between 6 am and 11 am
  • Find more travel information here

Most of our nights are spent at "frontcountry" campsites, where we'll generally have a more developed campsite with running water, toilets, and sometimes cell phone service. This may be a public or private campground. We often stay at the same frontcountry site a few days in a row.

The other few nights will be spent "backcountry" camping, referring to wilderness locations where we are most likely out of cell phone service and away from our vehicles, electricity, and other amenities. Multi-day activities like backpacking take place in the backcountry.

Challenge/fitness level

No experience necessary; all skill levels welcome! We'll teach students everything they need to know to be successful and have lots of fun.

Fitness and physical challenge are subjective, so Adventure Treks does not "rate" its trips based on challenge. However, because we’ll be highly engaged in backcountry activities throughout trip, our students have the responsibility to be physically fit. We know physical fitness looks different for everyone, but it’s important to come prepared so that you and your fellow students can succeed. One student not coming prepared with physical fitness will negatively impact the entire group. In the months leading up to their trip, students should develop a routine that emphasizes stamina and sustaining a moderate level of exertion for many hours, several days in a row. Running, swimming, bicycling, aerobics classes, and team sports are all beneficial and will help improve cardiovascular fitness in preparation for a student’s trip.

Kimberly Cavill, Harpers Ferry, WV

July 2024

Zoe had an amazing adventure this summer. She met some great people and learned a lot about the outdoors and herself. I loved the pictures and the updates. Very happy they were device-free except for the one-time check-in midway through the trip. I believe the most valuable learning lesson was perseverance. They were up against some uncomfortable situations like weather, bugs, terrain, camping. She came home with a sense of accomplishment.

Emery Bettis, Winston Salem, NC

July 2024

Ames enjoyed the variety of activities and loved the different locations within Yellowstone and the Tetons. He also really enjoyed the others in his group; everyone had a great attitude and was invested in the experience. It was a great experience for Ames, and as parents we were well informed throughout the process. The entire process was top-notch. Great communication.

Aly Gutierrez, Springfield, VA

July 2023

My son gained confidence and was proud of his accomplishments because he achieved things he never had before. He had the best summer of his life.

Laura Sklenicka, Atlantic Beach, FL

July 2023

Adventures Treks trips have provided both of our daughters the opportunity to step outside their comfort zones, both physically and socially in safe and accepting environments. Whether on a two-week trip to Colorado or a four-week trip to Alaska, the experiences offered to the kids allow them to challenge themselves with the support, love, and encouragement of the instructors and other students. On the trip, the kids can be kids without the worry of social media. They interact face-to-face with one another and develop bonds unlike anywhere else that can connect them for life. The trip can truly be transformative in a teen’s life and be something they look forward to doing every summer.

NEW! Now offering adult trips to Peru and family camps in the Pacific Northwest. Click here to view our new trips!
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